The lectures will take place at the University of Turin , in Palazzo Campana , in Room A ground floor.
Here an tentative schedule of the school:
- Wednesday, 5th July 2017
9-9.30: Registration
9.30-10:45: Lecture 1 - Manetti
10.45-11.15: Coffee break
11.15-12.30 Lecture 2 - Lehn
Lunch break
2.00-3.15: Lecture 3 - Altmann
3.15- 3.45: Coffee break
3.45-4.45 Talk 1 - Iacono
- Thursday, 6th July 2017
9-10.15: Lecture 4 - Lehn
10.15-10.45: Coffee break
10.45-12: Lecture 5 - Altmann
12.15-12.45: Mini talk 1 - Rubiò
Lunch break
2.15-3.15: Talk 2 - Kastner
3.30-4.00: Mini talk 2 - Portakal
4.00-4.30: Coffee break
4.30-5.00: Mini talk 3 - Zdanowicz
5.00-5.30: Mini talk 4 - Jelisiejew
- Friday, 7th July 2017
9-10.15: Lecture 6 - Lehn
10.15-10.45: Coffee break
10.45-12: Lecture 7 - Manetti
12.15-12.45: Mini talk 5 - Meazzini
Lunch break
2.15-3.15: Talk 3 - Zhang
3.30-4.00: Mini talk 6 - Filip
4.00-4.30: Coffee break
4.30-5.00: Mini talk 7 - Turo
- Saturday, 8th July 2017
9-10.15: Lecture 8 - Altmann
10.15-10.45: Break + Photo
10.45-12: Lecture 9 - Manetti